[TYPO3-core] RFC Feature #9373: Integrate string replacement to stdWrap

Martin Kutschker masi-no at spam-typo3.org
Thu May 28 20:48:57 CEST 2009

Oliver Hader schrieb:
>    30.search = #a (Cat|Dog|Tiger)#i
>    30.replace = an animal
>    30.useRegExp = 1

Don't use a boolean configuration. Imagine you wanted to add a new
"mode" then you have the same troubles as we have so often. Either
useRegExp turns suddenly into a string like useRegExp=newmode or we add
a useNewMode=1 which clashes with useRegExp=1.

So the IMHO proper way is to have "method" or "mode" property which
defaults to "string", but could be also either "regexp" or "wildcard" (?
and * for shell freaks).

Unclear to me is why # (the TS comment sign) is used in this example as
regexp delimiter.

The regexp options

    30.search = #a (Cat|Dog|Tiger)#
    30.replace = an animal
    30.method = regexp
    30.delimiter = #
    30.caseSensitive = 1

The delimiters are optional:

    30.search = a (Cat|Dog|Tiger)
    30.replace = an animal
    30.method = regexp

Note that caseSensitive may IMHO be a boolean option as I cannot think
of any way how this could be not a simple yes/no question.

It is a property on its own, because also other search mode could be
case insensitive.


PS: Although it is nice that the replace is a COA it's not quite in line
with the rest of stdWrap.

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