[TYPO3-core] RFC Bug #9270

Christian Hernmarck linux at lists.hernmarck.ch
Wed May 27 08:57:10 CEST 2009


this is a patch request.

Type: Bugfix

Bugtracker references:

Branch: Typo3 4.2.x
 (Typo3 >= 4.1.4)

Editors ("no admins") can?t undelete records in history 

Since t3lib_TCEmain=>undeleteRecord uses t3lib_TCEmain=>deleteRecord
and there's a check if the editor has access to this record, we need
to extend this check if we want to undelete (if the check also should
cover deleted records).

I'm not a "TYPO3 internal" expert. Maybe my solution is not the best.
The bug seems to exist since v4.1.4 (dec 2007). I wonder why so few
people noticed this - either no editor deletes without being sure or
(s)he does not know about undelete or all editors are admins.
I also had a quick look at the files in v 4.3.0 alpha3 and it does not
seem to have changed.

I also wrote some comments in the Bugtracker about other solutions...



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