[TYPO3-core] RFC #11177: Feature: New options noRescale and resolutionFactor for getImgResource()

Stefan Geith typo3dev2008.nospam1 at geithware.de
Sun May 24 15:46:28 CEST 2009


this is a SVN patch request.

Type: Feature

BT Reference: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=11177

Branch: trunk

Sometimes a higher resolution as the display-resolution of an Image (TS 
IMAGE-Object) is needed.
E.g. if you want to render PDFs from your HTML-Output, you coulld need 
higher resolutions for images, if you want to print them.
This is not possible in the moment.

New options for the imgResource that would be helpful:
noRescale=1 -> creates image, as ususal, but doesn't resize original file
resolutionFactor=N -> creates an image, that has N times higher 
resoultion than displayed

Imagine an uploaded Image of size 1500x1000 pixel.
If you create an IMAGE-Tag by TS with width=320m, then the Image will be 
rendered to 480x320 pixels and the width/height-params of the created 
<img>-tag will be also 480x320.
If you want to zoom-in on the website or you want to create a PDF from 
the page, then the resolution is to low.
With use of noResize=1 an IMAGE-Tag will be rendered with 
width/height-params 480x320, but the src-param will be the _original_ 
image (having 1500x1000 pixels).
With use of e.g. resolutionFactor=2 an IMAGE-Tag will be rendered with 
the Image scaled to 960x640 pixels and the width/height-params of the 
created <img>-tag set to 480x320.

Greetings from Würzburg,
/Stefan Geith

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