[TYPO3-core] FYI: Added feature #11153: Integrate t3lib_div::requireFile() for simple require() calls
Dmitry Dulepov
dmitry.dulepov at gmail.com
Wed May 20 15:10:42 CEST 2009
Oliver Hader wrote:
> In t3lib_div there's already a mehtod requireOnce() however the pendant
> for require() is missing. On using requireOnce() PHP excutes several
> checks whether a file was already loaded. In context of the autoloader
> it can be ensured that a file implementing a class was not integrated
> before.
Why not to change requireOnce? To me this new method does not look necessary. Do I miss something?
Dmitry Dulepov
In the TYPO3 blog: http://dmitry-dulepov.com/article/slides-from-my-talks-at-t3dd09.html
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