[TYPO3-core] RFC: #11110 Add Extbase and Fluid as System Extensions

Robert Lemke robert at typo3.org
Mon May 18 10:17:00 CEST 2009

Hi Masi,

On 18.05.2009, at 09:47, Martin Kutschker wrote:

> Ok. What will happen later on with Fluid? Will it change as
> FLOW3/TYPO3v5 evolve?

yes, we'll keep the main API in sync. And from now on we'll of course
not change the API radically anymore.

The main point is: Fluid, Extbase etc. will surely change in the
future, but that's not the problem. The question is rather how
well the changes are documented, how many versions you have time to
migrate to the new API etc.

We'll handle that as sensitive as possible ...


PS: FLOW3 1.0 alpha1 release is scheduled for June 1st. (yes, this  
year ...)

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