[TYPO3-core] RFC: Bug #10224: Not possible to set links to pages underneath a page with activated "temporary DB mount"

Georg Ringer news at ringerge.org
Mon May 11 15:59:59 CEST 2009


I did a new patch to fix this bug in a more general way. Now it is also 
possible to set links on other places not just the RTE (e.g. linking the 
header of a content element).

Again what the bug is about: It is *not* possible to link to a page 
which is inside a page with the option "stop page tree". this is a very 
nice feature for bigger websites.

Again how to reproduce: Create a page tree, set in 1 page > "stop page 
tree" and try to link to this page. it is not possible!

Thx for testing and voting
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