[TYPO3-core] RFC: #11006: Bug: Tooltip for page path in Page/List module is missing

Francois Suter fsuter at cobweb.ch
Fri May 8 18:25:02 CEST 2009


> i don't like
> if (strpos($croppedTitle, '...') === 0)
> i would make it like
> if ($croppedTitle !== $title)
> And crop length, why not using $BE_USER->uc['titleLen'] and only 50 if 
> it's not set?
> With this changes here's my +1 by reading

Here's the updated patch.

Steffen (Gebert) are you +1 to that version? If yes I can finally commit 
this change.



Francois Suter
Cobweb Development Sarl - http://www.cobweb.ch

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