[TYPO3-core] RFC Bug #11450: Install tool access check should take IPv6 loopback into account

Mario Rimann typo3-coding at rimann.org
Tue Jun 30 11:05:35 CEST 2009

This is an SVN patch request.

Type: Change

Bugtracker references:
(sorry, the bug report has a wrong title, can't change this)

Branch: Trunk, TYPO3_4-2, TYPO3_4-1
(as 11368 was comitted to these branches)

Since the changes from Bug 11368 (auto deletion of the
ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL file if older than 1h), a new file had to be created
also when developing locally.
The access check allowed one to enter the install tool if coming from, but not from the IPv6 equivalent (::1).

Changed the access check so that coming from or ::1 let's the
user in even if there's no ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL file

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