[TYPO3-core] RFC: #10905: Produced tables from pi_base are not XHTML Strict valid

Franz Koch typo.removeformessage at fx-graefix.de
Mon Jun 29 10:54:47 CEST 2009


> However, only CSS directives don't work (in IE6) when addressing 
> elements with two classes like this:
>    div.tx-go4old-pi2-browsebox.secondClass {}

that's wrong - they work, but not exactly as they should be in IE6. If 
you write div.tx-myext.secondClass for IE6 it's the same like 
div.secondClass - so IE6 is only taking the last class into account. So 
you can use that CSS selector, but need to keep in mind that IE6 is 
handling it a bit different.

kind regards,
Franz Koch

PayPal-Account: 'paypal _at_ elements-net _dot_ de'

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