[TYPO3-core] indexed_search AbiWord

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Sun Jun 28 17:54:19 CEST 2009

Hi Daniel,

as Masi already mentioned, the bugtracker number is quite important. I 
always find threads using that number, which is very helpful due to the 
huge size of this list... So please still do that, better late than never...

>>> Type: New feature
>>> Branches:
>>> 4_2
>> Features are for trunk only.
> next time, i will remember this. this was my first post here. please 
> forgive me.

I was not aware of any problems with catdoc. However, if this is the 
case, don't you think everyone who uses abiword would prefer it over 
catdoc, or is there still a reason to stick to that?

I'm asking because in such a case, I would rather like to see some 
autodetection that silently chooses abiword rather than catdoc as soon 
as it is found.

Pros: Easy, no additional configuration option is needed
Cons: nothing(?)

What do you think?

- michael
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