[TYPO3-core] RFC #3613: additional wrap for FORM radio buttons

Susanne Moog typo3 at susannemoog.de
Sat Jun 27 09:11:23 CEST 2009


Susanne Moog schrieb:
> Susanne Moog schrieb:
>> Susanne Moog schrieb:
>>> Susanne Moog schrieb:
>>>> Hi.
>>>> This is an SVN patch request.
>>>> Type: Feature
>>>> BT Reference: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=3613
>>>> Branch: trunk
>>>> Problem (copy paste from bugtracker):
>>>> Now the mailform generates by radio such code:
>>>> <fieldset>
>>>> <legend>...</legend>
>>>> <input...><label>...</label>
>>>> <input...><label>...</label>
>>>> <input...><label>...</label>
>>>> <input...><label>...</label>
>>>> </fieldset>
>>>> But it is not possible to wrap the each <input...><label>...</label>. So
>>>> I don't can get this code:
>>>> <fieldset>
>>>> <legend>...</legend>
>>>> <div ....><input...><label>...</label></div>
>>>> <div ....><input...><label>...</label></div>
>>>> is it possible to apply such wrap?
>>>> Solution:
>>>> Add a new wrap "radioInputWrap" with stdWrap features.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Susanne

Susanne Moog
NEUSTA GmbH - www.neusta.de

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