[TYPO3-core] RFC #11154: calls to deprecated function makeInstanceClassName in core

Oliver Hader oliver at typo3.org
Fri Jun 26 15:25:31 CEST 2009

FYI: Committed to SVN Trunk (rev. 5634)


Oliver Hader schrieb:
> Hi Franz,
> Franz Koch schrieb:
>> Hi Steffen,
>>>> So what do you suggest now? Check at this point if the (outdated)
>>>> "config.incT3Lib_htmlmail" has been set and only then use the
>>>> autoloader?
>>> maybe we use that setting, yes. This would allow backward
>>> compatibility and documentation has only to be changed slightly
>>> i suggest:
>>> if ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->config['config']['incT3Lib_htmlmail']) {
>>>     // html is activated. So use isHTMLContent to decide for html / plain
>>> } else {
>>>     // use strip_tags for mail content and send plain
>>> }
>>> so we kill two birds with one stone:
>>> * backwards compatibility
>>> * a useful global switch for html / plain
>> What I'm not entirely sure about is, in which cases t3lib_htmlmail
>> already was available, even if the TSconfig option hadn't been set.
>> Anyway - attached v3 of the patch :)
> I've created a new version that removes a debug line that was touched.
> Besides that I attach the whitespace stripped changes...
> +1 on reading
> How can I test the fe_adminLib changes easily? I could not find any
> occurence in the Core...
> olly
Oliver Hader
TYPO3 Release Manager 4.3

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