[TYPO3-core] RFC #6872: Add suggest-like feature to TCEforms

Oliver Hader oliver at typo3.org
Fri Jun 26 12:55:19 CEST 2009

Hi everybody,

Oliver Hader schrieb:
> Martin Kutschker schrieb:
>>  Not all of them are issues of the code itself. It's just that it
>> collides with ideas I and others have put together in the "Javascript"
>> branch in SVN.
>> May I suggest you off list on this topic?
> Can you please get a bit more into detail about what is "wrong"? Thanks!

I talked to the JS enhancement crew. There are plans to enhance several
TCEforms functionality by e.g. using Ext JS. However, currently it seems
that not that many changes will be merged into TYPO3 4.3 but will come
with TYPO3 4.4.

For this patch it means the following:
* continue with the current version
* be aware that the implementation can change with TYPO3 4.4
  - e.g. using Ext JS instead of an own suggest handler in JavaScript
  - extend the API and configuration possibilities to define suggest

I suggest to mark t3lib_tceforms_suggest to be internal or just remove
the XCLASS part to avoid other extensions relying on it. It's not
"nice", but it's better to have that great feature than postponing it
for another time. And it would be a pity to drop it since many efforts
have been put into this issue.

So, +1 on having this in 4.3 - I'm going to post my review later on.

Oliver Hader
TYPO3 Release Manager 4.3

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