[TYPO3-core] RFC #6872: Add suggest-like feature to TCEforms

Benjamin Mack benni at typo3.org
Fri Jun 26 11:45:03 CEST 2009

Hey Masi,

I agree with Francois. I'd be great if we'd have status updates on the 
4.3 list on the updates, when bigger changes are planned.

I've been re-working this patch, which was initially planned for 4.2 and 
since there is no sign that Ext JS suggest feature is gonna come into 
TYPO3 4.3, I don't like blocking it.

Instead of discussing it off-list, can we discuss that on 4.3? I'm 
interested too :)

So, my favorite solution for this issue would be: Integrate this suggest 
feature with Ext JS in TYPO3 4.3.

All the best,

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