[TYPO3-core] RFC: #11368:
Michael Stucki
michael at typo3.org
Sun Jun 21 18:40:58 CEST 2009
This is an SVN patch request.
Type: Minor security enhancement
Bugtracker references:
Branch: TYPO3_4-1, TYPO3_4-2, Trunk
To enable access to the Install Tool, a file
typo3conf/ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL must be created.
In cases of an insecure Install Tool password, it would be helpful if
that file is automatically removed if it is older than one hour. This
assures that an admin has explicitely unlocked the Install Tool within
the last hour.
Remove the file if it is older than 1 hour.
Additionally, I have slightly adjusted the error message and changed the
syntax from one huge line to smaller pieces.
- michael
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