[TYPO3-core] RFC #4270 displayCond for flexforms, that affects on row of element

Tolleiv Nietsch info at tolleiv.de
Tue Jun 9 21:46:45 CEST 2009

Hi - thanks for the feedback,
I hope this new patch fit's your needs and now it should follow the CGL. ;)
> hmm, I read it, too:
> (line 5732)
> if($ffValue && ...
> there is no $ffValue at this point.

Yes you're right for some reason this typo made it into the last patch - 
   it's fixed within the new patch...

> and even if that is fixed, it will still not work because filling
> $theFieldValue with $row[$parts[1]][$ffValueKey] (in case $parts[1]
> contains 'parentRec.') is nonsense - we want $row[$parts[1]] at this point.
> and btw: conditions referencing normal ff fields will not work anymore.
> something like this would work:
> if ($ffValueKey && strpos($parts[1],'parentRec.')!==FALSE)  {
>         $theFieldValue = $row[$parts[1]];
> } else {
>         $theFieldValue = ($ffValueKey ? $row[$parts[1]][$ffValueKey] :
> $row[$parts[1]]);
> }

That's what it looks like now:

$theFieldValue = $row[$parts[1]];
if($ffValueKey && strpos($parts[1], 'parentRec.')===FALSE)  {
	$theFieldValue = $row[$parts[1]][$ffValueKey];

The first line is what we want in most cases, no matter if there a 
"parentRec." in the key or not. If it's not a "parentRec."-field and if 
there's a $ffValueKey then we want the sub-part of this array. Pretty 
straight forward - I changed stristr() and strpos() since imho it's 
easier to read the code with strpos().

Let me know if you have any further feedback,

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