[TYPO3-core] RFC: #11271: Use 2 level cache for BEgetRootLine

Niels Fröhling niels.froehling at adsignum.com
Sun Jun 7 08:57:29 CEST 2009

Dmitry Dulepov wrote:
> Hi!
> Niels Fröhling wrote:
>> Dmitry Dulepov wrote:
>>>>  Never. You'd need to kill the current way xml2array and force everybody
>>>> (TV, flex, I don't want to know what else) to use appropriate tags.
>>> Next TV version depends on TYPO3 4.2. It may not use the new caching
>>> framework of 4.3.
>>  And?
> And tags are supported only in the new caching system. So you cannot force TV to use tags.

  Not to force anybody to use tags was the entire point, wasn't it? ;) It is 
desireable to speed up all kind extensions and functions in some magic hidden 
way, right? Or do you want to imply that TV will not even run on 4.3, because 
then we anyway couldn't hope for some magic speed-up for TV.

  If you want to construct a condition to implement expiration, you have to 
force  all xml2array calling code to suggest that condition-state. Making all 
and every out-core use of XML incompatible with a hypothetical 4.3 with tagging 
xml2array, that's not want we want?
  Otherwise you have to invent an automatic condition, in the spirit of the one 
I proposed (measuring runtime performance and expire all entries automatically 
which are running "too fast" or "faster than /allowed/"). Everybody would be 
happy if you'd have success in that. Maybe people think that a runtime 
performance-reflection algorithms is too off-hook (abgehoben), but for me 
personally it's not difficult to implement, to understand and the possible and 
quite real gain is worth it.
  In the moment there is just been thrown everything at the cache-system without 
even considering that the pure function may conditionally run faster than the 
cache can provide a cached response. The other assumption is that the cache just 
can occupy any whatsoever high resources, AFAIK there is no prunning scheme 
incorporated into the cache-system (I may be wrong), you can't just say you want 
only 150MB of page-cache and the system make optimal use of it.
  For me personally for example the caching xml2array did not change the 
runtime-performance of the Typo3 I'm using any bit (99.9% of TV's slowness in my 
most extreme use-case, which need 50x2s to construct a single page, has nothing 
to do with TV's use of xml2array). And in the end a cache-system is not for 
making slow use-cases faster and fast use-cases slower, is it?

  I use xml2array here as a representative, obviously the entire topic works for 
any of this kind of functions and datas.


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