[TYPO3-core] RFC: #11265: function getTreeList() doesn't use the caching framework

Rupert Germann rupi at gmx.li
Fri Jun 5 09:42:29 CEST 2009

Ingo Renner wrote:
> did you also check the treelist cache cleaner class in
> EXT:cms/tslib/hooks? AFAIR that's needed too.

no, thanks for the hint.
I grepd for "cache_pages" in the core and found that there's also a delete
query for this table in tcemain.

> It might be possible to use tags to clean the cache...

in other words: if you don't want to flush a complete table, tags are the
*only* way to clean seperate entries ;-)

But the way how function flushByTags() achieves this currently will bring us
into severe memory or performance problems sooner or later.
same problem as in:

for the time being I will use flushByTags() at the missing places, and then
I'll take a look to the getByTags(), flushByTags() stuff in caching


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