[TYPO3-core] RFC Bug #11267: Use PHP5 version of function microtime()

Oliver Hader oliver at typo3.org
Thu Jun 4 15:13:12 CEST 2009

This is an SVN patch request.

Type: Bugfix

Bugtracker references:

Branch: Trunk

The PHP function microtime() delivered a string that has the current
unixtime and the microseconds divided by a spacing character. These two
parts are currently exploded by that space character and summarized.
With PHP5 it's possible to use microtime(true) to get the same.

Basically use microtime(true) instead of calculating the same value with
extracting the numbers from a string. The following parts are changed:
* t3lib_timetrack ($TT in frontend)
  + method mtime() didn't make much sense and is replaced by the new
    method getDifferenceToStarttime()
  + a new method getDifferenceToStarttime() delivers the difference
    between the starting time and a give microtime as float value
  + $TT->push and $TT->pull store the microtime as float value now
* t3lib_div
  + milliseconds() was changed to avoid the mentioned string operations

Oliver Hader
TYPO3 Release Manager 4.3

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