[TYPO3-core] RFC: #10320: Feature: Split css styled content templates in version templates to get rid of the compat version checks

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Thu Jun 4 12:40:06 CEST 2009

Steffen Kamper wrote: on 04.06.2009 12:13:

>> Should I add an update-note with compatVersion? It should be shown only
>> if the user chooses compatVersion 4.3 (so that the main "setup.txt" is
>> still used).
>> My suggestion would be:
>> $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SC_OPTIONS']['ext/install']['compat_version']['tx_cssstyledcontent_renderimgtext']
>> = array(
>>     'title' => 'CSS Styled Content: Rendering of text with images
>> changed',
>>     'version' => 4003000,
>>     'description' => '<p>The default rendering for the images-block in
>> the
>> "text with images" content element changed in certain edge
>> cases:</p><ul><li>with rendering=dl,ul,div, a single image fallbacks to
>> rendering only one DIV around the image</li><li>with rendering=dl, a
>> list of images with no caption fallbacks to rendering=ul</li><li>with
>> rendering=dl, a list of images with one "global" caption (no
>> splitCaption configured) fallbacks to rendering=ul</li></ul>'
>>     'description_acknowledge' => 'You might need to update your
>> stylesheets
>> if you are not using the default _CSS_DEFAULT_STYLE provided with
>> css_styled_content.'
>> );

> imho this text belongs to NEWS.txt. As there is no action in installtool
> for this, i wouldn't use it for all the infos.
> If people read in NEWS.txt that the markup changed, they have to look to
> their pages using Text/images to see how it look anyway.

I think it belongs to both places. News.txt is just the announcement of
the new feature. compatVersion warning gives upgrade-admins the
information about what to consider when deciding which "compatVersion"
he should choose.

The situation with this specific entry is that: if one upgrades and
doesn't use the upgrade-wizard to "choose" the correct csc-template, he
will get unwarned altered rendering, as there is no "compatVersion"
condition in the default setup.txt.

In my eyes the "upgrade wizard" should work in a "step by step" fashion
and not like it is today, a list of items with "Next" on each one. It is
too easy to "forget" one important "wizard". And the DB-COMPARE should
be the first step in this "wizard", without it, it isn't really complete.


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