[TYPO3-core] RFC #11255: Notification emails are send to assigned users only, not to groups

Andreas Wolf typo3ml at andreaswolf.info
Fri Jul 31 12:42:30 CEST 2009

This is an SVN patch request.

Type: Bugfix/New feature

Bugtracker references:


trunk, TYPO3_4-2 (if bugfix)


The change notifications in a workspace are not send to user groups
assigned to different roles (member & reviewer), but to users that are
directly assigned by user.

That leads to, that users who shall receive notifications, must be
assigned directly, even that they are members of assigned groups. So
users get assigned twice, what is not straight forward.


Take all users from the groups assigned to a workspace and add them to
the list of users to email.


I took the original patch by Matthias Stübner and did some minor
cleanups to it. This version is not in the bugtracker, but I will upload
it later on.

Oh, and my +1 from reading, of course.


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