[TYPO3-core] RFC #2314 - moving records doesn't move translations

Tolleiv.Nietsch info at tolleiv.de
Fri Jul 31 10:16:08 CEST 2009


Rupert Germann schrieb:
> hi Tolleiv,
> wow that's an old one!
> moving localized records in live workspace works as advertised: the 
> localisations are moved with the record.
> but there seems to be a problem with moving records in workspaces (draft 
> workspace in my tests)
> I have a page (A) with 2 lang overlays and a content element with 2 
> translations. Now I switch to draft ws and I move this content element 
> to another page (B).
> this page shows 5 rows in the listview instead of the expected 3. 
> Actually there are only 3 records, the problem is that the 2 
> localisations are displayed twice: once as placeholder and once as 
> localisation.
> can anyone else reproduce this?

I'm glad you brought this up. This "happend" only within the List view 
if the "localization view" was turned one.
The reason for this was that the placeholder-record himself wasn't 
"localized" and therefore it was rendered within the list-view as 
separate record.

The attached patch should resolve it.

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