[TYPO3-core] RFC #11264: Add an opacity option to the GIFBUILDER BOX object

Jigal van Hemert jigal at xs4all.nl
Mon Jul 20 21:49:04 CEST 2009

Ingo Renner wrote:
> Problem:
> Currently it's not possible to have GIFBUILDER create (semi)tranparent 
> BOX elements. This could be usefull for "coloring" an image though.

mask works fine for me:

20 = IMAGE
20 {
	offset = 0,170
	file {
		XY = 300,33
		10 = BOX
		10 {
			dimensions = 0,0,300,33
			color = #cc0033
	mask {
		XY = 300,33
		10 = BOX
		10 {
			dimensions = 0,0,300,33
			color = #888888

For example: http://test.samenvoordeklant.nl/typo3temp/GB/d617684d3b.jpg

How is .opacity different (apart from being simpler) ?

Can't you add all the different layer-combination modes like in 
Photoshop (overlay, screen, multiply, color burn, hue, color, etc.)?

Jigal van Hemert.

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