[TYPO3-core] RFC #2314 - moving records doesn't move translations
Tolleiv Nietsch
info at tolleiv.de
Sat Jul 18 21:23:42 CEST 2009
This is an SVN patch request.
Type: Bugfix
Bugtracker references:
http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=2314 (and some others)
Whenever you're moving around records between pages with the cut&paste
function the localization-overlays won't be moved and they'll stay on
the old page.
The attached patch just adds a post-processing of these records and
moves them aswell. The l10n-records are passed through the whole
moveRecord-function aswell to make sure that workspace-operations and
hooks are performed for these records as well.
If the move-operation happened within a Workspace we've to keep the
value of the l18n_parent field during publishing - otherwise the
relation between overlay and it's parent within the LIVE-Workspace will
be lost after the publishing.
There's a related bug which happens whenever you copy elements with
overlays - I'd prefer to consider this as a different bug since copying
is handled separately from moving records - please don't mix it up.
The bug has been around far too long and it would be really great to get
rid of it since this really confuses people in their daily work. I'm
open to your comments and questions.
Best regards,
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