[TYPO3-core] RFC: #11528: JS Error in Recycler

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Tue Jul 14 17:53:40 CEST 2009


as there are other related issues in recycler which doesn't work i 
refactored the param method for the store.

This way was done:
there was a method "addParams" where the getparams where splitted and 
new params added to the store.
After chaning the url to the store the url is submitted, but the params 
don't affect the store params.

This is the way should used with a store:
For all params that should be persistent for each store.load() there is 
an object called baseParams.
You can override one of these params by the load call like
or add it to baseParams to be persistent:
store.setBaseParam('name', value);

last is the one we need as any select or filter box should change the 
params persistent.

So attached is the refactored js for recycler, and i change it from FYI 
to RFC so test/review and voting is required.

vg Steffen
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