[TYPO3-core] RFC: #???

Ingo Schmitt spam at marketing-factory.de
Sun Jul 12 09:50:52 CEST 2009

Hi Benny,

have a look into your cache_hash table, there only the entry "TMPL 
CONDITIONS - AL" (one missing L) as entry.

The error will be shown, if you have SQL Debug enabled and mysql in 
strict mode (I don't know what will happen in other databases). I got 
the error first after installing TYPO3 on a fresh XMAPP package on Windows.

Best regards


> Hey Ingo,
> how can I reproduce this issue?
> All the best,
> Benni.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Ingo Schmitt                        mailto:is at marketing-factory.de
Marketing Factory Consulting GmbH   http://typo3.marketing-factory.de/
Content Management mit Typo3: Beratung - Schulung - Realisierung

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