[TYPO3-core] New TYPO3 Coding Guidelines

Vladimir Podkovanov admin at sitesfactory.ru
Thu Jul 9 22:21:56 CEST 2009

Marc Wöhlken wrote:
> The difference in performance seems to be below 10% (at least on
> www.phpbench.com)and nobody can guarantee that this will be the same
> with future php releases. There may be optimizations rendering current
> results completely useless.

Yes, but that difference there without mentioned concats! So concat 
operator (.) will more slow down overall time for 'string' . $var

> Adittinonally using different php caches may result in very different
> benchmark results.
> Readability is also an issue as David already pointed out.
> Regards
>  Marc

Sure, it is right if many editors does not hightlight vars in string. 
However in Zend Studio IMHO more readable when var inside string as I 
can see all SQL request and don't try to concat parts in my mind in 
order to see whole request ;)


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