[TYPO3-core] RFC: #9562: Feature: onChange has no effect

Rupert Germann rupi at gmx.li
Wed Jul 8 11:06:36 CEST 2009

hi Dan,

I tried to test your patch with wec_sermon but this ext doesn't work in 4.3
at all (fatal error in the updater script) and so I gave up after half an

can you provide a test extension or a brief description of your testing


PS: attached is a patch which applies clean to current trunk.
(Your previous patches where not made against trunk root)

Dan Osipov wrote:

> Reminder
> Dan Osipov
> Calkins Media
> http://danosipov.com/blog/
> Dan Osipov wrote:
>> Reminder
>> Dan Osipov
>> Calkins Media
>> http://danosipov.com/blog/
>> Dan Osipov wrote:
>>> Attached patch fixes the issue described.
>>> Dan Osipov
>>> Calkins Media
>>> http://danosipov.com/blog/
>>> Dan Osipov wrote:
>>>> Jeff,
>>>> Interestingly enough, the patch doesn't work with wec_sermon, and it
>>>> looks like it could be because of the RTE. When changing types, the
>>>> following JS error is thrown:
>>>> uncaught exception: [object Object]
>>>> _createRange()(null)htmlarea...b37bac.js (line 148)
>>>> getParentElement()(null, undefined)htmlarea...b37bac.js (line 275)
>>>> updateValue()("BlockStyle")BlockSty...79ae45.js (line 271)
>>>> buildCssArray()(Object config=Object _htmlArea=div.htmlarea,
>>>> "BlockStyle")BlockSty...79ae45.js (line 466)
>>>> generate()(Object config=Object _htmlArea=div.htmlarea,
>>>> "BlockStyle")BlockSty...79ae45.js (line 257)
>>>> onUpdateToolbar()()BlockSty...79ae45.js (line 225)
>>>> updateToolbar()(undefined)htmlarea...e539b7.js (line 1547)
>>>> generatePlugins()("data[tx_wecsermons_resources][NEW49bd746a580e0
>>>> (line 1160)
>>>> htmlarea_f13d42dfb1987be539b7.js()()htmlarea...e539b7.js (line 1119)
>>>> [Break on this error] return sel.getRangeAt(0);
>>>> I'll try to investigate.
>>>> Dan Osipov
>>>> Calkins Media
>>>> http://danosipov.com/blog/
>>>> Jeff Segars wrote:
>>>>> Hey Dan,
>>>>> Dan Osipov wrote:
>>>>>> I'll check the test extension.
>>>>>> About wec_sermons - did you modify TCA and add "requestUpdate"? If
>>>>>> so, can you post the code that I can check?
>>>>> I was working with the tx_wecsermons_resources table.  This table
>>>>> has a "type" field so the refresh should trigger even without an
>>>>> explicit "requestUpdate". I did try adding the "requestUpdate" just
>>>>> to be sure though and it made no difference.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Jeff

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