[TYPO3-core] RFC: Require branch/tag specification for testing votes

Marcus Krause marcus#exp2009 at t3sec.info
Sun Jul 5 11:33:10 CEST 2009


We had several problems with insufficiently tested patches in the last
releases. Although such kind of problems simply happen from time to
time, we should try to reduce the risk for them. It's also not helpful
to blame one person in specific; it's up to us all to improve quality of
change management.

I suggest to always require the explicit specification of branches/trunk
a patch has tested on. I don't want to make it complicated so I wouldn't
adjust the number of required "+1" votes for each branch. This RFC is
only about adding a few words more to your testing vote!

"+1 by reviewing and testing on branch 4-1 and trunk"

With such votings we can see what branch is still untested. That's
something we currently don't see at all.

Even if you don't accept this RFC officially, everybody is free to apply
it to himself. I'd appreciate to read votings as mentioned above.

In the end I'd like to highlight again the possibility to write tests
for trunk. If a patch could easily be tested, don't hesitate to spend
some minutes on writing them.

This is seconds (or minutes for mentioned tests) you additionally spend
but it could save us hours in the end!


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