[TYPO3-core] FYI: Patches by Kasper

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Wed Jan 28 09:23:05 CET 2009


Martin Kutschker schrieb:
> Ingmar Schlecht schrieb:
>> Hi guys,
>> Kasper has committed some patches today which he had lying around for
>> some time.
>> I agreed to let him commit the stuff directly without the usual review
>> guidelines, for the obvious reasons.
> Can we have a description what they do?
> Masi

in ChangeLog they are described. Here are the descriptions:

2009-01-27	Kasper SkŚrhżj	<kasper at typo3.org>

	* This change looks irrelevant, but prevents a JS error in case the 
editor for "some reason" is not on the HTML page anyways. This is in 
fact the case if RTE's are used in nested flexforms. Admitted: The real 
fix should be that the RTE is not rendered as a part of the dummy-code 
the core carries for dynamic insertion of a new element in a nested 
flexform. But this quick fix at least makes for a solid workaround. The 
other issue is only speed related.
2009-01-27	Kasper SkŚrhżj	<kasper at typo3.org>

	* Tracking script execution times internally. For now not used. Was 
used for debugging. Maybe it will be useful output at a later time.

2009-01-27	Kasper SkŚrhżj	<kasper at typo3.org>

	* selectVersionsOfRecord() has been optimized. It will give a 
significant speed boost for the cleaner when it traverses the page tree 
(up to 80 times for a customer of mine! Read: 8000%!) But it will also 
improve backend speed in the Web > List module. It only affect websites 
with large amounts of versioned records (like any website with thousands 
or pages and tt_content elements). The optimization was to split one 
MySQL query into two, each of which could make use of indexes in the 
database, which the single combined query couldn't.
	* Fixed simple bugs in getFuncCheck() and getFuncInput()

2009-01-27	Kasper SkŚrhżj	<kasper at typo3.org>

	* Made changes to logging function calls, mainly so they include 
information of the page ID on which the operation took place. TODO: Go 
through the rest of the newlog() function calls and make them report the 
PID as well! It's a task that requires that you test it simultaneously 
in the backend that things get logged correctly.
	* Made a change to which users get notified when elements are rejected 
in a workspace which is set to "Notify users on next stage only": When 
an element is rejected only the users involved in raising the stage of 
the element since last rejection or creation will get notified (instead 
of every member of the workspace!)
2009-01-27	Kasper SkŚrhżj	<kasper at typo3.org>

	* Made a number of changes to log-display (Tools > Log): Filter on 
workspace, users, grouping by pages, plus option to specify a time 
interval manually.
	* Changed HH:MM format for log-display to HH:MM:SS (so it includes 
seconds). This way it can be assumed for most that all operations within 
in a single second for a given backend user represents a server request.

vg Steffen

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