[TYPO3-core] RFC: #9975: Bugfix: Typoscript: CONTENT | slide: multilanguage not correctly respected in content_fallback mode

Susanne Moog typo3 at susannemoog.de
Sat Feb 14 09:02:17 CET 2009


Stefan Galinski schrieb:
> This is a SVN patch request.

> 1) Create a marker in a template which slides content elements of a 
> column...
> template.bla = TEMPLATE
> template.bla.marks.BLA < styles.content.get
> template.bla.marks.BLA .select.where = colPos = 0
> template.bla.marks.BLA .slide = -1
> 2) Create a page with a subpage and assign the template via typoscript
> 3) Create the content elements on the top page which should be slided
> 4) Create a translation of the top page and content elements
> 5) Test the result in the frontend for the top page and the parent page in 
> both site languages. Oopps... 

I tried to reproduce this bug but couldn't because it's not really clear
to me what the bug is about. Could you perhaps be more descriptive about
what the wanted behavior is and what goes wrong?



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