[TYPO3-core] RFC #10305: constant TYPO3_copyright_year should use the current year

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Thu Feb 12 12:50:31 CET 2009

Hi François,

thanks for that. I agree that it should not change dynamically.

However, changing 2008 into 2009 and keep it static is out of question.
Therefore I've committed that now:

TYPO3_4-0: rev @5009
TYPO3_4-1: rev @5010
TYPO3_4-2: rev @5011
Trunk: rev @5012

Trunk changesets is attached. The others are identical, of course.

- michael

Francois Suter schrieb:
> Hi,
>>> Should I revert it completely
>>> or take this opportunity to set the year to 2009, as it is pretty sure
>>> that current trunk will be released as 4.3 during this year?
>> Yes, 2009 is fine.
> Reverted completely after all. I guess the year will be changed globally
> when ready.
> Cheers

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