[TYPO3-core] RFC #10371: Feature: Render tabs as ul-li-list in getDynTabMenu()

Niels Pardon mail at niels-pardon.de
Sat Feb 7 11:52:57 CET 2009

Hi Steffen!

Steffen Gebert schrieb:
> I think it's a bit confusing that dependent on the width of tab contents the width of the whole form (and how many tabs are wrapped) change (screenshot firefox1/2). Of course this expansion is needed to better use the space.
> What about setting the form to 95% width with a fixed min-width? I know this has problems with IE6, but for the rest it might be nicer.

Took me some time to understand what you are talking about. But know I
got it. I could not reproduce the behaviour you showed in the
screenshots with IE7 but I could reproduce it with FF3.

On the tab "Registration" all form elements fit on the screen but on
"Templates and special properties" not all form elements fit on the
screen and FF has to render a vertical scrollbar which causes the last
tab to get wrapped.

I leave it open for discussion on how and whether to fix this behaviour.

> There's a gap between the tabs and the form which hasn't been there before. It's quite small in FF, IE8 and quite big in Opera, IE7 (screenshot opera_before/after).

Yes, that's right. I tried a while to get rid of it in IE7 but did not
succeed. May be somebody else wants to take a try?

> Furthermore IE6/7 has a gap between the tab rows itself (screenshot ie).

This was a bit tricky as it depends on how narrow your browser window
is. After the text in the tab there is a clear.gif rendered. So if you
narrow your browser window first the clear.gif is wrapped and if you
still narrow it the whole tab is finally wrapped.

I solved this making the li a display: block; and using white-space:
nowrap;. So now always the whole tab is wrapped.

> Rounded tabs in FF are also gone.

With attached patch rounded tabs in FF are back. I missed some lines in CSS.


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