[TYPO3-core] RFC: #9439: New Element Wizard has no option for hiding Elements via pageTS

Benjamin Mack benni at typo3.org
Thu Feb 5 17:24:10 CET 2009

Hey Steffen,

+1 after testing. I'm starting to love that thing.

I updated your patch by:
   * modifying the pagesTSconfig to be called mod.wizards.newContentElements
   * some cleanup and avoiding errors if there are no items (thus giving 
a bug in the foreach run)
   * renamed "wiszard" to "wizard" in the interface
   * I did not take Niels stuff in there, because his patch was faulty 
and was missing parts of your stuff. I would like to address his issue 
in a later patch.

Let's get that beast in...

All the best,
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