[TYPO3-core] RFC: Feature Request #6882: Enable stdWrap for select.where

Martin Holtz typo3ng_2008 at martinholtz.de
Wed Apr 29 12:10:50 CEST 2009

Hi Bernhard,

> A"hm. I use "andWhere" almost "anywhere" ;)
> It supports stdWrap, I do not know why I should use where. I suppose
> "andWhere"
> was introduced by Kasper as an enhanced replacement for "where" so it
> doesn't
> break old sites.
> I do not see why there should be "where" and "andWhere" and both should
> support
> stdWrap.
> Whats the problem using "andWhere" ??? I cannot see currently where this
> should
> make a problem.
It is a problem for typoscript beginners.
They get often in trouble with that - its hard to understand, why they
should use "andWhere" instead of "where" if they want to insert some

"andWhere" is a workaround - but not the solution - in my eyes.

And AFAIK it cannot harm anyone - if you do not use stdWrap on "where"
nothing changes.


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