[TYPO3-core] RFC: #10905: Produced tables from pi_base are not XHTML Strict valid

Stefano Kowalke blueduck at gmx.net
Wed Apr 22 18:23:00 CEST 2009


> I actually don't use the default markup for pi_list_browsresults, but 
> according to class.tslib_pibase.php there is a wrapping div around the 
> table, that simplified looks like this:
> $this->cObj->wrap($resultCountMsg.$theLinks,'<div 
> '.$this->pi_classParam('browsebox').'>|</div>');

I can´t find this line. Only found this (at line 499):
List browsing box:
<div '.$this->pi_classParam('browsebox').'>

The function pi_classParam adds a class prefixed with extension name to 
the div:
<div class="tx-extname-browsebox">

Its possible pass a second param to the func:
<div '.$this->pi_classParam('browsebox', 'secondClass').'>


<div class="tx-go4old-pi2-browsebox secondClass">

Maybe its possible to use this way, but i don´t know if the older 
browser support multiple classes.


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