[TYPO3-core] RFC #10891: Bug: Page caching with external files enabled fails if files are not found.

Steffen Gebert steffen at steffen-gebert.de
Sun Apr 12 17:57:01 CEST 2009

Martin Kutschker wrote:
> Thank you, but... the patch is not made against TYPO3 root which is also
> required by the rules. This makes applying the patch much easier for
> anyone who wants to test it.

Does this bug still apply to branch trunk (a.k.a 4.3) with the new caching 

This means you should check out the SVN repository from svn.typo3.org, then 
make your changes and create the patch with `svn diff`. Then it's 
automatically against typo3_src-directory and not against /home/vamirbekyan
> Type: New feature
It's a bug
> Branches: 4.2.2
The branch is 4.2

How can I reproduce this bug? Just set [FE][pageCacheToExternalFiles] = 1 
and then delete cache file by hand? Your multiple-server description sounds 
a bit weird. Always try to make it as easy as possible for your reviewers.

Chin up! I think everybody's first RFC was an adventure :)
Rules here are quite strict, but it's good the way it is..

Happy Easter!


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