[TYPO3-core] RFC: 10850: Move backendSearch to sysext
Steffen Ritter
info at rs-websystems.de
Mon Apr 6 11:37:01 CEST 2009
Hi List,
this is about RFC 10850
BT Reference:
current backend search in toolbar uses "normal" API to register
But the Include of it is currently hardcoded in backend.php
So tasks to request are:
- move classes/class.backendsearchmenu.php and js/backendsearch.js
into sysext/backendSerach
- add registerToolbarItem.php and needed standard files to ext
- remove some lines from backend.php
Additional Information:
this is a prerequisite for implementing any other search, since there is
no possibility to deactivate the hardcoded one...
The attached patch changes backend.php, the t3x is the new sysext (only
file references changed in class).
files mentioned in solution have to deleted from svn manually...
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