[TYPO3-core] Poll for patch level versions

Ingmar Schlecht ingmar at typo3.org
Sun Apr 5 11:21:40 CEST 2009

Hi guys,

here's a poll for the release of patch level versions next week:


 - the 4.2 branch
 - the 4.1 branch, and
 - for the 4.0 branch

For the 4.2 branch, it would be a (slightly delayed already) usual patch
level release (our rule is that we poll for patch level releases of the
current stable branch one week before every end of the month, after full
4 weeks have passed since the last patch level release), yet for 4.0 and
4.1 those would be exceptionally early releases (it's not a full quarter
of a year ago that we released the last patch level versions there).

The reason why I think we should also consider releasing those versions
now is the following patch
	#10567: Added IE8+ support
which solves IE8 related problems.

So my vote would be: +1 to all branches.

What about you?


Ingmar Schlecht
TYPO3 Core Developer
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