[TYPO3-core] RFC: #10822: enableFields is missing a hook to manipulate the generated clause

Georg Ringer news at ringerge.org
Wed Apr 1 08:11:53 CEST 2009

Hey all,

this is a SVN patch request.

Type: Feature

Branches: trunk

BT reference: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=10822

I need a hook to change the enableFields and there is currently a hook 
but this just adds data and there is no chance to change the clause.

Why I need this hook / use cases:
- I need to create links for users in special usergroups who can see how 
the page looks like for other usergroups
- I need to fetch the content of the page depending on a usergroup given 
  in the GET params

Maybe the old hook should get deleted? I don't really know because I 
don't have the experience, so please tell me what to do with it.

Thanks and have a great day
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