[TYPO3-core] RFC: Feature Request #9654: Enable includeLibs also for USER and COA objects

Oliver Hader oliver at typo3.org
Mon Oct 27 19:47:32 CET 2008

This is a SVN patch request.

The TypoScript object USER does not support the includeLibs property.
Loading an accordant PHP class the library gets added to the global
context and included there - no matter if it's really required or not.
This is somehow a waste of performance and memory.

The solution is to enable "includeLibs" also for USER objects and only
load the PHP class if it's really required.

Documentation changes:
* In TSref, cObject "COBJ_ARRAY (COA, COA_INT)":
-> remove paragraph "(This property is used only if the object is
COA_INT!, See introduction.)"
* In TSref, cObject "USER and USER_INT":
-> remove paragraph "(This property is used only if the object is
USER_INT!, See introduction.)"

Bugtracker references:

Branch: Trunk

Oliver Hader
TYPO3 4.3 Release Manager
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