[TYPO3-core] RFC #9284: Feature: tt_content.starttime/endtime have now effect on caching (with patchfile now, sry)

Dmitry Dulepov dmitry at typo3.org
Mon Oct 20 10:43:01 CEST 2008


Michael Stucki wrote:
> - Of course this requires modification to all plugins. The reasonable
>   default should be a timeout of 1 day (just like now).

I did not understand this bit. Do you mean every plugin in every extension from TER? This is not realistic at all.

> - Additionally, some config options could then be removed (like
>   config.cache_period and config.cache_clearAtMidnight)

They couldn't. These options are deadly useful and they are used by many projects. Do not break these things. Cache period can be set smaller now (like 3h) for some web sites, which require it. Same goes for clearing cache at midnight: this is necessary for certain crawler configurations (for example, if a plugin adds entries to the crawler manually). So removal of these options is not an option at all.

Dmitry Dulepov
TYPO3 Core team
My TYPO3 book: http://www.packtpub.com/typo3-extension-development/book
In the blog: http://typo3bloke.net/post-details/iphone_as_productivity_tool/

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