[TYPO3-core] RFC #9284: Feature: tt_content.starttime/endtime have now effect on caching

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Mon Oct 20 10:21:19 CEST 2008

Hi Ernesto,

>>>> I would love to have a generic way the rendering process could gather
>>>> caching expiration information at run-time while it is being generated.
>>> me too:)

Yes, that's how it should be done.

>> If you collect the info in RECORDS and CONTENT you need no extra query
>> at all. Plus you don't get "bogus" inormation from records not rendered
>> at all.


> Extensions (plugins) are also cObjects ("USER"). I thought about
> changing the API of all cObject methods (PAGE, USER, COA, etc) so that
> they return not simply their html-content, but an "object" (to be
> PHP5-OO-conform) which contains not only the content, but also the
> earliest expiration date of the generated content.

While we're at it: I also need some more information from all objects
(including plugins):
- Is the content anonymous, or is it personalized?
- Can the content be seen by everyone, or is it access-protected?

> I think this also would come in line with the planned project "content
> object caching", which as far as I know has been planned for TYPO3 4.3
> (Stucki, Oli?).

Exactly. That's why I need this info... :-)

- michael
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