[TYPO3-core] RFC #9284: Feature: tt_content.starttime/endtime have now effect on caching

Francois Suter fsuter at cobweb.ch
Fri Nov 28 12:56:27 CET 2008


> I now added a function for changing the cacheExpires Timestamp.

I tested this version of the patch. To sum up the discussion up to now, 
the original patch proposed by Martin raised a lot of questions, so 
Martin finally went for a minimal version which just introduces a method 
in tslib_fe that can be called to set a cache expiry timestamp from, for 
example, inside an extension.

I tested that with a dummy extension I quickly patched together to 
display some records from tt_news table and was able to set an expiry 
date for the cache corresponding to the next tt_news item starttime in 
the future.

So I think this is a worthwhile addition and am +1 after reading and 
testing. I found a couple of problems in Martin's patch so I'm attaching 
here a corrected version. I must add that it works flawlessly with the 
new caching framework.



Francois Suter
Cobweb Development Sarl - http://www.cobweb.ch
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