[TYPO3-core] FYI72: bug #9645: Memcached backend is not working properly

Martin Kutschker masi-no at spam-typo3.org
Thu Nov 27 20:15:01 CET 2008

Dmitry Dulepov schrieb:
> Solution: the attached patch fixes these problems by using proper
> identifier prefix and by utilizing reverse index between tags and
> identifiers.

Sounds good.

> Notice that I have dropped $serverId and associated
> set/get methods because they are not really necessary but provoke
> users to enter something in the configuration, which will lead to
> wrong work of this caching backend.

Hm. So you cannot use the same memcached for more than one installation?
Or does the prefix alone prevent this?

> Also I dropped php_sapi_name()
> in the identifier prefix. php_sapi_name() does not add any value but
> breaks cache clearing from CLI scripts.

Good. But I wonder why the prefix uses
t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('HTTP_HOST'). Won't this clash again with usage
from CLI scripts? Shouldn't the prefix only denote the TYPO3
installation and not the domain?  So I would tend to use a hash of

> Also SCRIPT_PATH is dropped
> because it will not allow to clear cache from BE.

Why? Same as above?

> Notes: I post this patch as FYI72 because not many people use
> Memcached and can test it. I made my best to test this patch. After
> this patch is applied, the Memcache backend finally works. If
> someone discovers bugs later, these bugs will be fixed after
> discovery. I am willing to maintain this caching backend and fix
> problems in it.

As this is a FLOW3 backport I would appreciate if any changes made to
the caching framework are done in a coordinated manner. It's great that
you've made this finally run, but please wait with the commit until one
of the FLOW3 team had the chance to review the patch.


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