[TYPO3-core] RFC: #5835: Make clear.gif configurable

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Wed Nov 19 11:44:59 CET 2008


Franz Koch schrieb:
>> Could you make a patch for CSC using compat version 4.3? Would be 
>> great so we all can test. 
> Sure. But maybe we should first discuss if "padding" should be used for 
> spacing or margin. Following situation:
> - CE 1 (space below 20px)
> - CE 2 (space above 30px)
> When using "margin" FF will show a space of 30px between the two CEs 
> (using the higher of the two values), wheres IE might come up with 50px. 
> I at least think it was like that - or maybe the other way around. I at 
> least got different spaces in IE and the rest of the world or noticed 
> some other issue when using margins.
> Using "padding" will in both cases have a space of 50px between both 
> elements, which would be backwards compatible. But the downside of using 
> padding is, that you get problems if you apply some styling class from 
> the section_frame dropdown (maybe for highlighting with a background).
> So which way to go?

padding is no option imho (border, background etc)
So margin is the right one. I will test the cas you described.

>  > I would prefer such solution much more than the
>> coded one from Susanne (sry)
> You still need Susannes patch to get rid of the clear.gif on other 
> places then default tt_content rendering.

i don't see it, where do i get clear.gif having resetted the values?

vg Steffen

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