[TYPO3-core] RFC: #5835: Make clear.gif configurable

Georg Ringer news at ringerge.org
Tue Nov 18 10:31:21 CET 2008

Steffen Kamper wrote:
> good catch, but then the tt_content.stdWrap.preCObject and 
> tt_content.stdWrap.postCObject are _blocked_ and can't be used in other 
> context.

datawrap is blocked too because of the anchors..

if someone needs addtional things, just create
tt_content.stdWrap.postCObject = COA
tt_content.stdWrap.postCObject.1 => spacer
tt_content.stdWrap.postCObject.2-999 => your stuff.

We can use a COA as default too, I got no problem with that but things 
alaways need to be predefined if you want a predefined output. This is 
like tt_content.text and all other things.

And please don't forget to remove those limits
= 50;
This is IMO not needed and nobody understands why this is 50.

PS: I know, it gets OT...

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