[TYPO3-core] RFC: #5835: Make clear.gif configurable
Franz Koch
typo.removeformessage at fx-graefix.de
Mon Nov 17 08:57:37 CET 2008
> Description:
> At the moment it is not possible to use the spaceBefore and spaceAfter
> fields with anything but a clear.gif.
That's wrong - with some custom TS you can do a far better
implementation of additional space then with simply replacing the
clear.gif with a clear-div. Although replacing the clear.gif with
something semantically more correct is warmly welcome.
I don't see a real improvement by simply replacing the spacer image by a
useless spacer div. It it ok for the regular usage in stdWrap - but for
the default tt_content rendering there are better ways to do.
For tt_content rendering it would be far better to get rid of the
prepending anchor and the prepended/appended spacers as well as the
wrapping div when using a section frame. This can be all done with 1
single div around the CE - which in my eyes would be the way to go if
something is going to be changed in the default rendering settings of CSC.
I f.e. use this TS in all of my installations:
# first disable the ugly default spacer stuff
> tt_content {
> stdWrap {
> spaceBefore >
> spaceAfter >
> space >
> dataWrap >
> }
> }
# then wrap the whole CE with one single div defining everything needed
> tt_content.stdWrap.innerWrap >
> tt_content.stdWrap.innerWrap {
> cObject = CASE
> cObject {
> key.field = section_frame
> default = COA
> default {
> # create opening tag with ID-attribute acting as anchor
> # but don't add a anchor ID to CE divider
> 10 = TEXT
> 10 {
> value = <div id="c{field:uid}"
> override.cObject = TEXT
> override.cObject {
> value = <div
> if.value = div
> if.equals.field = CType
> }
> insertData = 1
> }
> # add a default class attribute used for styling with section_frame
> 15 = TEXT
> 15 {
> value = cbox
> noTrimWrap = | class="|" |
> required = 1
> }
> # add a style attribute with paddings for space before and space after
> 20 = COA
> 20 {
> 10 = TEXT
> 10 {
> field = spaceBefore
> ifEmpty.value =
> wrap = padding-top:|px !important;
> required = 1
> }
> 20 = TEXT
> 20 {
> field = spaceAfter
> ifEmpty.value =
> wrap = padding-bottom:|px !important;
> required = 1
> }
> stdWrap.noTrimWrap = | style="|" |
> stdWrap.required = 1
> }
> 30 = TEXT
> 30.value = >|</div>
> }
> # rendering/class definitions for different section frames
> 1 < .default
> 1.15.value = cbox underlined
> 4 < .default
> 4.15.value = cbox highlight c2
> 5 < .default
> 5.15.value = cbox highlight c1
> 6 < .default
> 6.15.value = cbox highlight sidebar
> 7 < .default
> 7.15.value = cbox highlight sidebar2
> 10 < .default
> 10.15.value = cbox framed
> 10.30.value = ><span class="frametop"> </span>|<span class="framebottom"> </span></div>
> 11 < .default
> 11.15.value =
> 12 < .default
> 12.15.value =
> 20 < .default
> 20.15.value =
> 21 < .default
> 21.15.value =
> }
> }
Just for some inspiration.
kind regards,
Franz Koch
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