[TYPO3-core] RFC: #9562: Feature: onChange has no effect

Dan Osipov dosipov at phillyburbs.com
Tue Nov 11 21:35:54 CET 2008


This is an SVN patch request

Type: Missing Feature
Branches: Trunk
BT Reference: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=9562

FlexForms have an onChange => reload directive, which reloads the form 
if a field is changed. This is very useful. Regular forms also have 
'requestUpdate' => field which does the same thing. However, there are 
two problems: 1) regular TCEForms ignore the onChange directive, and 2) 
IRRE ignores these completely.

Attached patch fixes the first problem by adding a condition to the if 
statement, which reloads the form if a field with onChange = reload is 
changed. It also adds a feature to IRRE, so that if a field is changed, 
the record is reloaded. This is done using AJAX, so the entire page is 
not reloaded - just the record currently being edited. Also, the change 
is not saved in the DB - it's changed on the fly, and may impact how 
other fields rendered, but its not saved until the form is saved.

How to test:
Here are some sample TCA configurations I have used during development 
of this patch:

IRRE field:
	"tx_pbwltottnews_widget_id" => Array (		
         "label" => "Widgets",
		"config" => Array (
			"type" => "inline",
             		"foreign_table" => "tx_pbwidgetlibrary_mm",
             		"foreign_table_field" => "ext_table",
             		"foreign_field" => "record_id",
             		"foreign_sortby" => "sorting",
             		"foreign_label" => "widget_id",

MM table:
$TCA["tx_pbwidgetlibrary_mm"] = array (
     "ctrl" => array (
         'title'     => 
         'label'     => 'widget_id',
         'default_sortby' => "ORDER BY sorting",
         'delete' => 'deleted',
	'requestUpdate' => 'type',	  // This is what tells the field to reload! 

         'enablecolumns' => array (
             'disabled' => 'hidden',
         'dynamicConfigFile' => t3lib_extMgm::extPath($_EXTKEY).'tca.php',
         'iconfile'          => 
     "feInterface" => array (
         "fe_admin_fieldList" => "widget_id, type, record_id",

MM table TCA:
$TCA["tx_pbwidgetlibrary_mm"] = array (
	"ctrl" => $TCA["tx_pbwidgetlibrary_mm"]["ctrl"],
	"interface" => array (
		"showRecordFieldList" => "hidden"
	"feInterface" => $TCA["tx_pbwidgetlibrary_mm"]["feInterface"],
	"columns" => array (
         "widget_id" => Array (
             "label" => "Widget",
             "config" => Array (
                 "type" => "select",
                 "foreign_table" => "tx_pbwidgetlibrary_widget",
                 "foreign_table_where" => " AND 
                 "maxitems" => 1,
         "type" => Array (
             "exclude" => 1,
             "label" => 

             "config" => Array(
                 "type" => "select",
                 "itemsProcFunc" => 
                 "onChange" => "reload",   // This is an alternative way 
to get the form to reload.
		"record_id" => Array (		
			"exclude" => 1,		
			"label" => "Record",		
			"config" => Array (
                 "type" => "select",
                 "foreign_table" => "tt_news",
         "sorting" => Array (
             "config" => Array (
                  "type" => "passthrough",
     "types" => Array (
         "0" => Array("showitem" => "hidden;;1, title;;;;2-2-2, type, 
widget_id;;;;3-3-3, record_id, sorting")
     "palettes" => Array (
         "1" => Array("showitem" => "")

Let me know if you have questions.
FYI: This is my first patch to the core (and it wasn't an easy one), so 
please, be nice ;)
Dan Osipov
Calkins Media
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