[TYPO3-core] FYI: fixed a cache framework issue

Karsten Dambekalns karsten at typo3.org
Thu Nov 6 17:45:01 CET 2008

Hi Oliver.

On 06.11.2008, at 13:55, Oliver Hader wrote:
>> So, to make a long story short (and as long as it s still possible to
>> change this in 4.x code without too much work) - what about a unified
>> refactoring of the cache frontend API to have this:
> Only for the frontend API (AbstractCache)? Why not for the backend
> (AbstractBackend)?

Uhm, err. Well, yes, why not? ;) That would be
  save() -> set()
  load() -> get()

The other names are fine IMHO. I simply didn't stumble across this in  
the backends. Then again, the backends should only be used in the  
frontends, so the change is relatively small. I'll do it for FLOW3,  
there is no "must" in doing it for 4.x as well - although it would be  
cool, of course. Agreed?

Karsten Dambekalns
Gimme Five!

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